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Colleen Jason
Родился вNew Jersey
54 years
Генеалогическое древо
История жизни
Декабрь 19, 1953
Colleen was born on an airliner returning from Ireland on route to Newark New Jersey on December 19, 1953.  

Colleen was raised Irish catholic in New Providence NJ.  Colleen went to a Catholic grade school and then public high school. Colleen and siblings helped their mother with the responsibilities of this growing family which grew to ten children in all, including Colleen being the oldest.

Январь 31, 1973

Colleen and Rob were married at a ski resort, Narrowsburgh, NY.  

Colleen was a waitress and Rob was a stable hand.

Март 5, 1973
Moved to New Jersey to begin our new life together.   We lived on top of a stable for a short time and then moved to Summit NJ where we lived until 1975.   Colleen worked as a waitress for a time and then worked in banking in the collection dept.
Февраль 12, 1974
Gave birth to our son Michael, born in Overlook hospital in Summit NJ.
Октябрь 11, 1975
There was a year in here some where after Michael's birth that we moved to Callicoon, NY where Rob was doing a dairy job.  We moved back to New Jersey, until 1980.
Март 24, 1976
Returned to Summit, NJ after the dairy job.
Декабрь 1, 1977
Gave birth to our daughter Jessica  also born in Overlook hospital in Summit NJ.
Июль 3, 1980
Moved to Dexter NY to raise our children in a country like setting.  Colleen worked as a home health aide staffing coordinator, a health store clerk, collection agency worker, and an office banking job. Colleen even gave owning a small luncheonet a try.
Февраль 25, 1986

Moved to Sachets Harbor NY, from Glen Park NY.  We lived in an old farm house close to town and school.   Colleen was a home maker during these years.  We decided after Michael went into the Navy, to move to our place in Olmstedville, NY.  Close to Lake George, NY.

Август 13, 1994
Not being at Olmstedville for to long, our Family was thrown into hard times after the shooting of Michael in Virginia.  We closed up the trailer and headed to Virginia to be with Michael.  Things didn't look good for our son and the Navy took over his care after he was stablized at Fairfax hospital.   We headed to Lyons Veterans Center in NJ, where we worked on helping Michael deal with all that had happened.  We stayed with Colleen's father in New Providence, NJ. Colleen took a position in a CVS store in town.
Октябрь 30, 1996
Moved to a small town north of philly Pa.  after Michael was placed into a rehabilitation program.
Февраль 24, 1998
Moved to Long Island NY our lives still unsteady from what had happened to Michael. 
Июль 20, 2004

A seemingly routine trip to the ER turned up Ovarian Cancer Stage IIIc and life as we knew it, changed drastically.  A battle Colleen fought so bravely for close to 4 years.  Colleen joined the ranks, a Teal Lady, fighting for awareness and a cure..........


1. Ovarian Cancer surgery to debulk tumor growths in pelvic region; followed with clinical trial chemo.  7/21/04

2. Bowel obstruction - Laproscopy procedure to correct bowel obstruction and remove gall bladder. 5/9/05

3. Started Doxil   08/18/2005 - 03/06 

4. Continue chemo with Doxil  switched to Gemzar/Carboplatin  Change of Doctor due to insurance carrier change. 03/06 - present.

5.  platelet transfusion - 09/06. 

6. Surgery -  Tumor debulking -  12/06/06 .

7.  Port -a- cath Surgery -  Port for chemotherapy implanted -  01/31/07 .

8.  blood transfusion-  2 units received  02/24/07 .

9.  Low platelet count -  platelet transfusion -  3/23 07 .

10. blood transfusion -  2 units received -  4/03 07.

11. Transfusions 1 unit platelets 2 units whole -  7/19/07 - 7/22/07.

12. Transfusions 4 units blood -  9/12/07 – 9/15/07 .

13.  Admitted to hospital for High Blood pressure 1 unit blood received -   Placed in ICU and moved to Good Sam Hosp. for further treatments -  10/01/07-10/02/07.

14.  Admitted for blood loss and kidney blockage – 1 unit  blood -  Stents for kidney drainage and Radiation treatments began for bleeding.  10/02/07-10/07/07.

15.  10/17/07 Radiation treatments -  Continue treatments started at Good Sam Hosp moved to  North Shore Medical Accelerator - due to insurance problem.

16. 12/12/07 Colostomy surgery. Then into Rehabilitation at Huntington Hills Center in Melville, NY.......another 2 hospital stays and then hospice care......

Февраль 27, 2008

On this day, Colleen lay dying at Hospice House, unable to wake from a morphine haze, unaware and numb to the pain of the final stages of ovarian cancer taking over her body. "In sickness and in health ... until death do us part", keeps repeating in my mind. Her slight body lay motionless in the hospital bed. Her skin was pale, her breathing labored and her eyes almost always half lidded. I can't help but remember the past 3 years and 7 months leading up to her death. The chemotherapy treatments, operations, long hours at the hospital, countless medications and our endless prayers..... ''What's best for Colleen?'' is the question I continually asked myself every step of the way, during all the chemotherapy treatments, hospital stays, varying medication dosages and ultimately her hospice care. I never left the hospice, where I spent all my days and nights wearing rumpled clothes, only leaving Colleen's bedside to take short breaks, hoping and praying for a miracle.   I didn't know what it feels like to go through the death of a spouse, or what to expect .....I was in denial..... well, it feels like you've had your breath knocked out of you. Or like one of your arms were cut off!    I expect that every anniversary, birthday and holiday will be just as excruciating.

So on this day, after thirty-five years of marriage, I kissed my beloved wife Colleen goodbye for the last time, after she had died and I cried.  We were together and I kissed her goodbye.......Glad that the suffering is over yet hurting so bad that she is gone.

Март 1, 2008

A graveside service at Greensprings natural cemetery, Irish Hill Road in Newfield, New York.


"The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul; He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For Thou art with me; They rod and Thy staff, they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies; Thou annointest my head with oil; My cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me ALL the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever."

--Psalm 23--


Rest Colleen....... Rest in peace.


I hear Colleen in these words of an Irish blessing......


Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep
Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there... I do not sleep.
I am the thousand winds that blow...
I am the diamond glints on snow...
I am the sunlight on ripened grain...
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you waken in the morning's hush,
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of gentle birds in circling flight...
I am the soft star that shines at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry—
I am not there... I did not die...